God’s Promises to the Discouraged

Ever feel discouraged?  Like you’re wasting your day, your time, your life?  I do.

I was struck by bipolar disorder in 2005, finally diagnosed in 2006.  I have spent the past eleven years fighting the disease and have been stable now with no episodes for two years.  But I still battle discouragement that the disease ate so many years of my life, years that I could have been achieving my goals instead of fighting with my emotions, mindset, and heart.

But there is a promise from God that no time is ever wasted when you are one of his children.  “For I will restore to you the years the locust hath eaten. my great army that I sent among you.” Joel 2:25.  I may have suffered, but God will redeem that suffering and bless me for my fortitude and forbearance in bearing up under this trial he sent into my life.

I get discouraged sometimes that my life does not look like I wanted it to by this time.  I get discouraged that I may never work full-time again and feel like I am not pulling my weight in my family.  But God honors you when you say you are open to his will.  I feel I am in God’s will taking care of my youngest child, working part-time, and going to school part-time to prepare myself for whatever comes next in my path to use my bipolar disorder to bless someone else.

God has a promise for everyone that faces obstacles in their path.  “All things work together for good for them that love the Lord, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. Not that everything that comes your way is good, but that if you will let him, God will work it together for good in your life.  Isn’t that a good word?
The most discouraging thing that God can say to me?  “Wait.” I feel like I know what his will looks like in my life, but I have to wait until the time is right and know everything is going according to plan in his timing, not mine.  Maybe I’m not strong enough yet.  Maybe I’m not prepared enough yet.  Maybe I need seasoning, like wood that been cut for a fire but can’t be used yet.

God has a promise for me in the waiting time, too.  “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary,” Isaiah 40:31. God is strengthening you for a time such as you will be needed.

SO when discouragement strikes, Remember God’s words to those who are discouraged and downcast.  His promises are faithful and true. God bless you during this season in your life.


JulieJulie Whitehead currently writes and blogs from Mississippi at her personal blog.   She has been a university lecturer, a disability examiner, and a freelance writer.  She carries a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and blogs to create awareness and help others understand the disease and its effects.

You can follow Julie on Facebook, Twitter or her personal blog.

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