How to Cope With Post-Lockdown Anxiety

As coronavirus restrictions ease and many slowly begin to transition back into some form of “normalcy,” a number of concerns arise about what life will look like post lockdown. From socializing and getting back to work to mental health and overall safety, there remains a thick atmosphere of uncertainty. What’s next? Will life be like it was before? What will change?

While plagued with a myriad of unanswered questions, what are some ways to approach post-lockdown confusion and anxiety?


Self-Care and Reflection

While it’s unclear what will happen next due to the current atmosphere around the pandemic, remember to refer back to the resources, people, routines, and self-care techniques that help you feel safe. Create certainty in what you can control.       


Here are some ways you can foster certainty: 

  • Talking to a friend, family member, or therapist about your concerns.
  • Identifying what helps you feel safe and what is in your control. 
  • Checking in with yourself and how you feel.
  • Creating a plan of action when socializing.
  • Being gentle with your expectations of “what’s next” and “normalcy.” 
  • Prioritizing self-care. 
  • Keeping up with your health and hygiene.
  • Staying informed.
  • Understanding there is no “right way” to feel. 
  • Allowing yourself to process what is happening.   
  • Joining mental health support groups.
  • Knowing your resources.   


Note: You are not alone in your worries and anxiety about what life will look like post-lockdown; it’s okay to seek help, support, and community.   


Open Discussion Questions: What Do You Think?

How do you feel? 

What are your concerns?

What are some helpful ways you are coping with anxiousness about life after lockdown?  

What are your thoughts?


Nina is a Latina from Brooklyn, NY who struggles with depression and anxiety symptoms. She finds refuge and healing through her writing since she graduated from college in 2016. Nina writes to spread awareness and hope to those who struggle with their mental health silently. She also strives to motivate and encourage self-acceptance. She enjoys creating creative and uplifting content on her blog where she shares her experiences, notes, poems, quotes, and articles.


Nina is a Latina from Brooklyn, NY who struggles with depression and anxiety.  She finds refuge and healing through her writing since she graduated from college in 2016.  Nina writes to spread awareness and hope to those who struggle with their mental health silently. She also strives to motivate and encourage self-acceptance.  She enjoys creating creative and uplifting content on her blog where she shares her experiences, notes, poems, quotes, and articles

You can find her on her websiteFacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube.

One thought on “How to Cope With Post-Lockdown Anxiety

  1. Life has changed so much due to COVID 19. Family get togethers are different. Winter turned into spring and then, into summer. Now, as we wait for fall, we are still trying to adapt to a new way of life. I am thankful to know God is with us and we can share our thoughts and concerns with Him.

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