How spending time with friends can actually help your Mental Health

When we look at setting out to improve our overall health and wellbeing as well as the daily grind of work and family life, the first aspects in which we usually as humans look at focusing on is our diet, exercise patterns, sleep and schedule to look at ways at improving these aspects in our … Continue reading How spending time with friends can actually help your Mental Health

How to protect yourself from triggers on Social Media

We live in a society were social media can help us feel connected to our family and friends, as well as our favourite celebrities, brands, products and influences where ever we maybe in the world any time or day. With access through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to name a few … Continue reading How to protect yourself from triggers on Social Media

How could your boss eliminate stigma in your workplace?

A stigma within a workplace can occur as a result of stereotypes and negative perceptions towards an individual dealing with a mental illness, and in some cases can be a barrier for that individual from seeking help for what is often a very treatable condition. People living with a mental illness are frequently perceived as … Continue reading How could your boss eliminate stigma in your workplace?

Therapy Animals – How and why they work as support

In today’s blog we will be looking at the benefits of how and why therapy animals can work as support within our every day lives. We can all attest to the mood lifting and stress relieving benefits of having an animal within our lives. With our lives getting incredibly busy, you can’t help to smile … Continue reading Therapy Animals – How and why they work as support

What is the difference between a Counselor, a Psychologist, and a Psychiatrist?

Many people can be confused about the difference between a counsellor, a psychologist and a psychiatrist when they are seeking help either for themselves or for a loved one. It can be somewhat confusing when seeking assistance from one of these professionals, as there are many similarities and some differences between each role. It is … Continue reading What is the difference between a Counselor, a Psychologist, and a Psychiatrist?